Arrived. Working on Openfire pet project till matt gets here.
Working on openfire, frustrated by lack of dependencies built into RPM. Back in debianland, a package will tell you when it won't install correctly. Had to restore from a snapshot; telling RPM to uninstall the package would result in it complaining that it was not installed, and telling RPM to install the package would result in it complaining that the package was already installed. All the while, the software was on the system, but broken.
Discarding old projects.
Two new ones: Web2Py work with Stavros, and getting web2py packages working under Lubuntu Natty.
How does Ubuntu release its software?
I'll be doing a
backport, of course Debian has instructions on how to do this...
Web2py installed. I believe it works. It starts.
Backport successful. One must simply manually webget python-gluon and python-web2py and dpkg them.
Back from lunch at 12:40.
Made post with step-by-step and immediate instructions for backporting web2py. It's ready to rock.
Installed web2py on physical machine. Also installed Guake. Both of these things will make my life easier.
Now an activity is not working...
3:30 signed off.